Social Resilience
Perspectives and Research
Qamar, A. H. (2024). Social Resilience: A critical synopsis of existing definitions. Corvinus Journal of Sociology and Social Policy.
Qamar, A. H. (2023). Social dimensions of resilience and climate change: a rapid review of theoretical approaches. Present Environment and Sustainable Development, 17(1), 139-153.
Qamar, A. H. (2023). Conceptualizing social resilience in the context of migrants’ lived experiences. Geoforum, 139, 103680.
Qamar, A. H. (2023). Researching social resilience in the context of migrants’ life transition: A qualitative methodological mosaic. Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 20(4), 796-813.
Qamar, A. H. (2024). Young adult migrants’ social experiences in Sweden: ‘Melting Pot’ and ‘Salad Bowl’ perspectives on social integration. Children & Society.
Qamar, A.H. (2024) – Social Resilience: A primer for all: Enhance social experiences and foster social resilience. Amazon Publishing.
Embark on a journey through the complex tapestry of human consciousness and lived experience with Knitting the Threads of Consciousness: An Illustrated Guide to Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). This guide will help you navigate through Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis to reveal the complexly interwoven and often invisible threads of individual experiences.
Are you planning to write a research proposal to seek grants, research positions, or ethical approval? This book is only for you. The book Writing a Qualitative Research Proposal for Ethical Approval: A Guide for the Project Description and Ethical Considerations aims to help young researchers write a research proposal to seek ethical approval from an institutional review board.
Social Resilience: A Primer for Everyone is a pocketbook and a guide to a more fulfilling social life and comprehensive social well-being. Social resilience is ultimately linked to several levels of person-environment interaction, as well as our social experiences and practices. A primer designed to help everyone enhance their social lives by learning how to survive and flourish together. Enjoy and learn by reading ABC of social resilience
Social Resurrection
I dream a world where human are valued, included, and supported to lighten the lives together by benefiting each other through sociability and connectedness. I believe in lighting up the lives together. The art of living together is not hard to master.
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